Peysu Söfnun fyrir eldri borgara í Bretlandi

Sonur minn Gísli Njálsson skrifar frá Bretlandi í kuldanum.

After a discussion with my father on the state of the elderly here in England succumbing to the cold in this harsh winter that has been the coldest start for 30 years we are appalled that statistically with a 1 degree centigrade fall in temperature an estimated 8,000 people die in the United Kingdom.


I would like to suggest that our nation sees it in their heart to start a collection of Icelandic woollen sweaters old or discarded articles for the elderly here in England so that we can if possible stave off this impending disaster.


I am positive that the English nation and most importantly the common man will see this gesture of good will from a neighbouring nation in our time of strife as more than a goodwill gesture but as an act of compassion and genuine concern of the state of affairs here in England.


It goes beyond saying that from a public relation standpoint this can do nothing but good for Iceland at this time and might go a ways to restore our good name in the eye of the world.


Warm Regards,


Gisli Njalsson

Njall Hardarson

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